Posts Tagged ‘#lorenzobanks’
Surviving a Police Encounter – Part 2 Caring
Surviving a Police Encounter Part 2: Caring About the Officer’s Safety On January 12, 1998, Deputy Kyle Dinkheller pulled over a speeding motorist in what, at first, appeared to be a routine traffic stop. Dinkheller activated his dash camera, and over the next three and a half minutes, it recorded every patrol officer’s worst nightmare.…
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Surviving a Police Encounter Part 1: Caring, Communication, and Compliance Stories about police brutality hit the headlines weekly these days. Stan Campbell, a 20-year veteran of law enforcement and founder of D.O.P.E. the Movement, says he believes that the number of incidents is not on the rise, but thanks to the proliferation of body cameras and smartphones, the public…
Read MoreD.O.P.E. Spotlight Interview – Civil Rights Attorney Lorenzo Banks
A Mathematician Turned Lawyer How does a mathematics major with a low opinion of lawyers become a criminal defense attorney? It starts when he gets sued over a dispute with a credit card company. “I was not trying to be a lawyer,” Lorenzo says. “I knew nothing about lawyers, but I knew I couldn’t afford…
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